Visit from Jean-Baptiste Fonlupt - Meetingpoint Memory Messiaen e.V.
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Visit from Jean-Baptiste Fonlupt

Visit from Jean-Baptiste Fonlupt

Olivier Messiaen’sVisions de l’Amen” (1943) was on the programme of the LausitzFestival in Herrnhut at Monday, the 28th of August 2023. French pianist Jean-Baptiste Fonlupt (left) visited the European Centre Remembrance, Education, Culture – Stalag VIII A, where Messiaen was held as a prisoner of war in 1940/41. Stéphane Degout accompanied his fellow musician.

A singer performed the second part of the concert in the prayer hall of the Herrnhut Brethren Community together with Martha Argerich the same evening: “Dichterliebe” by Robert Schumann.