Christmas concert across borders - Meetingpoint Memory Messiaen e.V.
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Christmas concert across borders

Christmas concert across borders

On 5 December 2023, pupils from the state music schools in Jelenia Góra traditionally performed at the Silesian Christmas Market in Görlitz. The young musicians from the “Państwowa Szkoła Muzyczna I stopnia im. J. Garści” and the “Państwowa Szkoła Muzyczna I i II stopnia im. S. Moniuszki” played well-known Polish and German Christmas carols as well as famous English Christmas melodies. The co-operation between Meetingpoint and the two Polish schools has a long tradition. Over 10 years ago, the then Meetingpoint Music Messiaen under Mr Götze initiated the partnership with Jelenia Góra to create a cross-border musical experience.

Once again this year, the young musicians performed on the stage of the Görlitz Christmas market in friendly co-operation with the Görlitz cultural service. The songs were played on accordions, flutes, violins and keyboards.