Extention of application period of "Kindermiasto Zgorlitz" 2021 - Meetingpoint Memory Messiaen e.V.
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Extention of application period of “Kindermiasto Zgorlitz” 2021

Extention of application period of “Kindermiasto Zgorlitz” 2021

There are still free spots available at the Kindermiasto Zgorlitz 2021! Because of that, the application period has been extended until Sunday 18th of July 2021. In order to realise the event under the Covid Hygiene regulations, a prior application is mandatory. Polish and German children between the age of 7 and 14 can sign up. You can find all important information on the Kindermiasto website.

About the project

During this summer holidays the Kindermiasto Zgorlitz will take place again. The Kindermiasto is a city, which is designed by and for children. The kids can try out different jobs, for example as a baker or carpenter. During the work hours, the children will earn Kindermiasto-money that can be spend on the spot. For example for free time activities, or products made at the Kindermiasto. Every day, the Kindermiasto citizens will participate in an assembly, where they will debate and decide on rules for the common life.

The Kindermiasto Zgorlitz will take place this year from 17.08.-20.08. and from 23.08.-26.08.2021, each time from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Görlitz on the grounds of the Hirschwinkel gymnasium (Am Hirschwinkel 16, 02826 Görlitz).

Kindermiasto is looking for translators

The special thing about Kindermiasto Zgorlitz is its bilingual character. The Kindermiasto-participants can make intercultural experiences and new friends on both sides of the Neiße and learn how intercultural understanding works. That is why they should be creative and keen to learn. In order to help the participants to communicate effectively we are looking for German-Polish translators.

Interested persons can contact Pauline Voigt (info@kindermiasto.eu or 03581 661 269)


The Kindermiasto is a Community Project which is supported by the associations Ca-Tee-Drale e.V., esta e. V and „nasze miasto – unsere stadt“ and is organised by the Meetingpoint Music Messiaen e. V. Beyond this, the project is supported by several clubs, initiatives and companies from Görlitz and Zgorzelec.

For questions about the everyday-life at the Kidermiasto or application of children, please contact us:

Pauline Voigt

Email: info@kindermiasto.eu

Tel.: 03581 661 269



Facebook: Kindermiasto Zgorlitz

Instagram: kindermiasto_zgorlitz