New staff member in the memorial site work - Meetingpoint Memory Messiaen e.V.
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New staff member in the memorial site work

New staff member in the memorial site work

My name is Johannes Bent. I originally come from Detmold in Westphalia and only recently moved to Görlitz to work at Meetingpoint Memory Messiaen e.V.. Before that, I studied cultural studies in another German-Polish twin city, Frankfurt (Oder)-Słubice. My main areas of interest lay in the history of Eastern and Central Eastern Europe.
This interest also led me to Görlitz, as it was my wish to work in the field of applied history after completing my studies. I support the Meetingpoint with project applications, the acquisition of funding and further research into the history of Stalag VIII A.
I am very much looking forward to being involved in the practical history and remembrance work of the organisation in the future and to exploring the history of the German-Polish twin city of Görlitz-Zgorzelec!