Partners and Memberships - Meetingpoint Memory Messiaen e.V.
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Partners and Memberships

Foundation Memory, Education, Culture

The Foundation for Memory, Education, Culture (originally: Foundation “Center for the Promotion of entrepreneurship”) was established in 2002.

Since 2016, the purpose of the Foundation Memory, Education, Culture is:

  1. to support regional development through measures to commemorate of the historical heritage of the region, for the development of culture and the shaping the civil consciousness of its inhabitants;
  1. to promote processes of German-Polish reconciliation by shaping an atmosphere of tolerance, mutual understanding, respect and cooperation between the two societies in the field of historical heritage with special attention to the memory of the former prisoner of war camp Stalag VIII A;
  2. the spreading of ideas of a European community, which serve the reconciliation, development and stabilization of the region, considering the regional and national peculiarities;
  3. the support of the development and the activities of the European Center of

Memory, Education, Culture as well as the border region.

In the year 2011, the Foundation was entrusted with the realization of the project leading to the construction of the Center of Memory, Education and Culture on the grounds of the Stalag VIII A memorial site, and since then it has been the official sponsor of the memorial site, which now runs jointly with the Meetingpoint Memory Messiaen association.


Platform of European Memory and Conscience

Meetingpoint Memory Messaen e.V. has been a member of the Platform of European Memory and Conscience since 2012.

The Platform of European Memory and Conscience is an educational project of the EU, which was founded in Prague in 2011. Since then, it has been operating internationally as a non-governmental organization and today represents through its members over 200,000 Europeans, as well as over 1,000,000 residents of North America with European ancestry.

The non-profit organization’s mission is to raise awareness about European history, especially the crimes committed by Europe’s totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, and to protect the continuity of European values, human rights and democracy. The organization of international conferences and annual meetings of the Council of Members, the preparation of traveling exhibitions, and the publication of a wide range of educational materials are among the activities of the organization.

The platform currently brings together 68 public and private institutions and organizations from 23 countries – including 15 EU member states.



Since 2014 Meetingpoint Memory Messiaen e. V. is partner of Eurodesk.

Eurodesk, established in 1990, is a European youth information network. Serving as a crucial support organization for Erasmus+, Eurodesk plays a vital role in making information about educational mobility easily accessible and comprehensive for both young individuals and those who guide them.

With a vast network consisting of 39 Eurodesk Centers that collaborate with local information providers across 37 European countries, Eurodesk’s mission is to raise awareness about opportunities in Europe and inspire young people to engage as active citizens.

To maintain the quality of services across all 37 countries, Eurodesk ensures its members receive top-notch training and support, in addition to granting access to youth information services and tools.


Post Bellum

The Meetingpoint Memory Messiaen e.V. has been a partner of the organisation Post Bellum since 2023.

Post Bellum is a Czech non-profit organisation. Since its founding in 2001 by a group of journalists and historians, Post Bellum has been committed to getting in touch with contemporary witnesses of historical events in the 20th and the 21st century and document their memories.

Their work focuses on The Memory of Nations – a collection of oral testimonies, photographs, newspapers and other historical records of totalitarianism. Among them are stories of World War II veterans, Holocaust survivors, resistance fighters, political prisoners, nonconformists, contemporary war veterans and ethnic minorities. The Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes ÚSTR and Czech Radio are strategic partners.

In addition, the organisation Post Bellum coordinates educational projects, exhibitions, various workshops and social events with the aim of raising awareness for democratic values in the public debate.


Dom Pokoju

The foundation is based in Wrocław, Poland and has been a Partner of Meetingpoint Memory Messiaen e.V. since 2022.

The Dom Pokoju Foundation, which translates into House of Peace, was founded in 2005 by Edward Skubisz, a Dutch theologian with Polish roots. His idea of creating a safe space for exchange and

understanding is still the guiding principle of the organization today.

At the center of the foundation’s educational activities is the program “Peer Mediation and Conflict Management in Schools” – a program that teaches young people to use empathy and nonviolent communication as a counter to aggression – with the aim of creating a systemic change in the communication paradigm in schools.

In addition to the offerings in the areas of conflict transformation and peer mediation, the foundation works on local development. For example, they run Łokietka 5 – Infopunkt Nadodrze, which has been involved in the revitalization process of the district of Nadodrze (Wrocław) since 2009 and supports craftsmen and artists. Since 2019, Dom pokoju has also been involved in the sustainable development of the Old Town district, as well as the maintenance and aesthetics of the public space.


Association for Intercultural Communication

Since 2021 InCo is partner of Meetingpoint Memory Messiaen e.V.

InCo – Association for Intercultural Communication is a non-profit association for the promotion of social welfare.

The association’s work focuses on project management and coordination of international exchange and volunteer projects, internships abroad and family stays.

InCo is committed to bringing people from different cultures together while strengthening intercultural sensitivity and international solidarity. They provide local support by a counseling and information desk, workshops in schools, and continuing education on the topic of intercultural communication. In addition, InCO creates concrete opportunities for personal and professional development with the aim of encouraging especially young people to participate actively in society.

The association was founded in 2004 and is registered in the Register of the Province of Trento. Furthermore InCo operates in the Italian city Molfetta.



Meetingpoint Memory Messiaen e.V. has acted as the central office for the German-Polish Youth Office since 2014.

Since its foundation in 1991 by the governments of Poland and Germany, the German-Polish Youth Office (GPYO) has enabled young people from Germany and Poland to meet and work together by providing financial and content-related support. Over 80,000 projects have been realized to date.

The DPJW also offers training courses, seminars and conferences for the organizers, supervisors and other participants in youth encounters.

The German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda support the contribution of German-Polish youth exchanges to the promotion of good neighborly relations and European integration. Together they are the patrons of the German-Polish Youth Office.

Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e. V.

The Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e. V. is a humanitarian organization, founded in 1919, which acts on behalf of the German government. Its main task is to search for, recover and give a dignified burial to war dead abroad, while maintaining the gravesites and thus preserving the memory of the war dead. This initiative is supported by approximately 240,000 members and donors who make a significant contribution both financially and through their volunteer work.

In addition to its main task, the Volksbund supports relatives of the deceased and advises both public and private institutions on war graves welfare issues, both nationally and internationally. Today, the Volksbund has more than 830 war gravesites in 46 states under its care, where some 2.8 million war dead rest. The Volksbund’s wide-ranging tasks are carried out by a dedicated community, including several thousand volunteers and about 500 full-time employees.

The Meetingpoint Memory Messiaen executive director A. Grochowski represents the association in the Görlitz district association as a board member.



Since 2020 the Meetingpoint Memory Messiaen e.V. is a member of the sLAG.

The Saxon historical-political network of clubs, initiatives, associations and individuals sLAG deals intensively with the ideology and rule of the Nazi system, its background, functioning and its concrete local effects.

With different approaches and content-related focal points, the members work – mostly on a voluntary basis – on a variety of offers, such as educational and memorial trips, youth encounters, biographical research, exhibitions and publications, workshops and other projects in the field of political-historical educational work in Saxony and neighboring areas of Poland and the Czech Republic.

sLAG supports professional exchange and further education, the cooperation with professional and institutionalized research and the public public perception of the research and mediation work carried out.

They act neutral in terms of party politics and strive to strengthen the democratic culture in Saxony.

The sLAG is a member of the Verband der Gedenkstätten in Deutschland e.V. / FORUM (VDGF), the Netzwerk Tolerantes Sachsen and the Hilfsnetzwerk für Überlebende der NS-Verfolgung in der Ukraine.


Deutsch-Polnische Gesellschaft Sachsens

The Meetingpoint Memory Messiaen e.V. joined DPG Sachsen as a corporate member in 2014.

The Deutsch-Polnische Gesellschaft Sachsens – Gesellschaft für Sächsisch-Polnische Zusammenarbeit e. V. [Society for Saxon-Polish Cooperation], established on January 15, 1992, in the Saxon state capital of Dresden, is dedicated to promoting understanding between the peoples of the Republic of Poland and the federal Republic of Germany.

Their voluntary efforts are centered on cooperation between Saxony and Dolny Śląsk (Lower Silesia). Through a wide array of events, cross-border German-Polish encounters, Polish language learning projects, and dialogue groups, DPG Sachsen acts as a bridge-builder and a source of ideas. Their goal is to foster a vibrant and enduring friendship between the two countries. Key activities include supporting youth and student exchange programs, providing assistance to Polish travel and visitor groups, and facilitating connections to Poland.



Meetingpoint Memory Messiaen e. V. became a member of KEBS in October 2022.

The Catholic Adult Education Saxony (KEBS) is an educational organization founded in 1991. Its primary goal is to promote adult education in a rapidly changing society. As a religious organization, KEBS is influenced by a Christian perspective, advocating for every individual’s right to independent thinking and taking responsibility for their education, development, and life choices.

KEBS is actively engaged in promoting values such as tolerance, dialogue, equal opportunities, and gender equality. It places special emphasis on age-specific education and cross-generational learning. The organization places great importance on responsible resource management and considers social and ecological criteria in its procurement processes.

Engagierte Stadt

Meetingpoint Memory Messiaen e. V. has been a member of the network Engagierte Stadt since 2016.

An idea became a model for success: cooperations instead of projects. People from nonprofit organizations, public administration agencies and companies work together to create good framework conditions and a common understanding of civic engagement and participation at the local level,

“Engagierte Stadt” promotes lasting engagement landscapes in cities and communities. Joint cooperation between nonprofit organizations, the administration and companies creates optimal conditions for civic engagement. Engaged City” aims for nationwide scaling and networking and opens up to new cities, neighborhoods, communities and partnerships.