Stalag VIII A and European memory of The Second World War POWs - Meetingpoint Memory Messiaen e.V.
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Stalag VIII A and European memory of The Second World War POWs

Stalag VIII A and European memory of The Second World War POWs

Stalag VIII A and European memory of The Second World War POWs

Conference: Stalag VIIIA and European memory of The Second World War POWs

28th–29th September 2017

European Centre Memory, Education, Culture

The memory of The Second World War still causes strong feelings among the nations affected by it. Many topics have been discussed, many museums, memorial places and educational programmes were established.

Nevertheless, there still remain various areas which require further research and description. Among other topics the knowledge of POWs and POW camps. Therefore the Former POW camp Stalag VIII A is particularily suited to be this place of discussions.

Conference schedule