WORCATION now is YOUNION - Meetingpoint Memory Messiaen e.V.
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WORCATION is no more! Now it’s YOUNION!

We have changed the name of our summer YOUth Exchange. We’re happy to share the new name with YOU now. YOUNION!


SAVE THE DATE: On 01/05/2024 the registration for YOUNION will start. Tell your family, your friends, your school mates… tell everybody!


We will be back with further information quite soon!




YOUNION means creative and international work at a historical site. Every summer, young people come together in Görlitz-Zgorzelec to experience history closely at a place that has been almost forgotten for decades, the former German prisoner of war camp Stalag VIII A.

Around 30 young Europeans spend 15 days together in the European City of Görlitz-Zgorzelec. During this two-week encounter in the summer holidays, they get to know young people from other cultures, exchange experiences about political situations in their own countries and think about a common future in Europe. They make new friends, practise trust and tolerance towards others and work as a team.